How Strong Are American Pitbulls?

american pitbull showing strength by pulling a truck

The American Pit Bull Terrier and other pitbull-type breeds have a stoic demeanor, muscular build, and incredible strength. Unfortunately, their strength is often cited as a reason for fearing the breed due to misconceptions regarding aggression. As such, there’ve been skewed numbers regarding the strength of the American Pitbull and other pitbull-type breeds. How strong

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Why Are American Pitbulls Considered Dangerous?

pitbull muzzled

The American Pit Bull Terrier (APBT) has a bad reputation — dangerous, easily angered, prone to attack without warning — but why, exactly, is this tenacious, companionable breed seemingly always under fire? American Pitbulls are considered dangerous due to their brutal history as bull-baiting dogs. They’re also commonly misidentified in the media, particularly in news

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