
I created this blog to share my passion for bullies, and help current and future pitbull owners with things like diet and education. Hope you find it useful, don't hesitate to drop a comment on my articles!

How Strong Are American Pitbulls?

american pitbull showing strength by pulling a truck

The American Pit Bull Terrier and other pitbull-type breeds have a stoic demeanor, muscular build, and incredible strength. Unfortunately, their strength is often cited as a reason for fearing the breed due to misconceptions regarding aggression. As such, there’ve been skewed numbers regarding the strength of the American Pitbull and other pitbull-type breeds. How strong

How Strong Are American Pitbulls? Read More »

Why Are American Pitbulls Considered Dangerous?

pitbull muzzled

The American Pit Bull Terrier (APBT) has a bad reputation — dangerous, easily angered, prone to attack without warning — but why, exactly, is this tenacious, companionable breed seemingly always under fire? American Pitbulls are considered dangerous due to their brutal history as bull-baiting dogs. They’re also commonly misidentified in the media, particularly in news

Why Are American Pitbulls Considered Dangerous? Read More »