How Much Do Pitbulls Shed?

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Pitbulls have short hair, so many people assume that they don’t shed — at least not a lot. However, they do. The only question is, how much?

While pitbulls don’t shed a lot, they do shed throughout the year, especially during the shedding season. Their hairs may not be as noticeable, though. Some pitbulls shed more than others due to various environmental factors. 

If you want to know how much your pitbull will shed and what some of the environmental factors are so that you can adjust their care and prevent excess shedding, read on. 

Pitbulls and Shedding

All dogs shed, at least to some degree. Of course, except those that are hairless. 

However, shedding is a generally natural process that involves your pup losing old hair and growing new hair subsequently. How much hair they will lose depends on the breed and how hairy they are. Naturally, you’ll notice more shedding in dogs that have richer fur. For some curly or hairy species, it can be hard to tell because their excess hair gets caught up in existing fur. 

Dogs who have two coats of fur lose more hair than those with just one. Pitbulls have just one coat of fur. Still, even pitbulls will shed two times a year, during the shedding season. The shedding process has nothing to do with the temperature, although you will notice shedding when it changes. They actually lose hair when the day gets shorter or longer.

In the fall, your dog will shed their lighter summer coat and make room for a thicker winter coat. In the spring, they will shed the heavier winter coat and grow lighter coats appropriate for summer. 

But the shedding isn’t restricted just to those few months a year — it can happen all year round, and for some very specific environmental and health reasons

Food Reasons 

The most obvious reason for excess shedding is their nutrition. Their skin needs all the minerals and vitamins that support proper regrowth and hair maintenance. If they are not getting them, they will shed more than usual. 

You might notice that their fur isn’t as shiny as usual and that they aren’t feeling as well. So, try to consult your vet and give them the nutrients that they need through food. The problem of excess shedding should go away if you feed them properly. 

You also have to make sure that they are not allergic to something. Food allergies can cause shedding, and so can any major changes in food. Of course, it may take them some time to adjust to these changes, so just see what happens for a while. But, if an allergy is your problem, you need to determine which foods to avoid. 

Water is another key to excellent fur and decreased shedding, so make sure that water is always available. 

Psychological Reasons

Pitbulls may seem like strong dogs, but they can suffer from some psychological issues as well. For one, there’s separation anxiety, which can affect their fur as well. Separation anxiety is essentially stress because they are not near their owners, and this can make them shed more than they usually would. 

This can happen in older or younger dogs, so you need to make sure that you train them well and offer enough activities for when you are not around. It may take some time, but your dog can learn to cope with this, especially if you give them enough attention while you’re with them. 

They can also suffer from stress for various reasons, so you need to look into what makes them feel this way. Then, adjust your behavior or theirs, eliminate environmental factors that could be causing this and see if there are any changes. 

Sometimes, dogs just need time to get used to new things — change causes them stress. So, if you’ve moved recently, had a new dog or a child, and your dog is shedding, giving them some time and showing them love will help them feel safe. 

Skin Conditions

Aside from food and psychological reasons, your dog may be shedding because of various bacteria, fungus, parasites, etc. See your vet and check if they have any of these. Infections and trauma can also be the cause of excess shedding. But, depending on the condition itself, these can be easy to fix with medicine or ointments. 

pitbulls are prone to skin conditions like rashes or dry skin, which can have them shedding more than usual. Be on the lookout for atopic dermatitis as well since it can cause, among other things, hair loss in dogs. 

If your dog’s immunity is compromised, this can cause hair loss as well, so make sure that you contact your vet and find a good way to increase their immunity. You will probably notice some bald spots or infections if this is the case. 

Keep in mind that pitbulls have very short hair, which can make them more susceptible to sun-inflicted issues like sunburn.

This also causes hair loss. Don’t take them outside when it’s too hot, especially not during the hottest times of the day. Be on the lookout for fleas, ticks, and other issues. 

How to Deal With Pitbull Shedding

Now that you know that the most common shedding seasons are the spring and the fall, you can be prepared for when this happens, and you can start applying some care methods that will make this process easier on both of you. 

The easiest way to deal with shedding is to brush their coat more frequently. This will help you gather any fur as soon as it falls off, and you’ll have less hair around your home. So, your furniture, clothes, carpets, and other areas of your home will be free of hair. 

The brushes used in these cases come in all shapes and sizes, but you only need one decent brush to help you remove excess fur.

For example, you can consider this Hertzko Self Cleaning Slicker Brush, which will be gentle on your dog and easy to clean after. 

Brush your dog every day, even a few times if necessary and if you both enjoy it

Another good option is to take them to the groomer’s and have the professionals deal with excess hair. Dogs usually love all the attention they are getting through proper grooming, so this shouldn’t be a big problem.

Of course, you will have to take them a few times a week, just to cover all of the fur that falls off in the meantime. 


While pitbulls should not shed too much in theory, the reality could be different for you. Make sure that the shedding is normal and not caused by the lack of nutrients, psychological reasons, or some skin issue. Take good care of your dog through brushing and using a gentle shampoo meant for them. 

Never use human shampoo or inappropriate food on your dog. This can cause all sorts of issues. They won’t need haircuts, although an occasional visit to the groomers may help you discover skin conditions early and give your dog some attention.

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